7.List of 20 docker commands and its use cases with example?
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Docker –version gives the version of docker that’s being used
Docker pull to pull an image from the registry
Docker run <image> to create a container
Docker ps list of running containers
Docker ps –a shows all the running and exited containers
Docker stop stop a running container gracefully
Docker kill stops a running container abruptly
Docker commit creates a new image of an edited container
Docker push used to push an image into the docker hub
Docker images list of images stored locally
Docker rm to delete a stopped container
Docker rmi delete an image from local storage
Docker build builds an image from a dockerfile
Docker start to start a container
Docker restart to restart a stopped container
Docker log to view the logs of a container
Docker inspect to fetch the ip address of a container
Docker exec used to execute commands in a container
Docker rename to rename a container
Docker pause to pause all the processes in a specific container.