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Write a comparison between Ansible Vs Docker Vs Terraform
Terraform Ansible D
Tool category | Orchestration | Configuration management |
Approach | Immutable infrastructure | Mutable infrastructure |
Language | Declarative | Imperative |
Provisioning | Specializes in infrastructure provisioning | Limited support for infrastructure provisioning |
LIfecycle management | Lifecycle aware. Maintains state of deployments. | No lifecycle awareness |
Command line operation | Yes | Yes |
Agentless | Yes | Yes |
Tool category Storage/Volume Management ,Orchestration and Schedulers
Approach Mutable infrastructure
Language Declarative
Provisioning Specializes in infrastructure provisioning
LIfecycle management created, running, deleted, paused ,stopped
Command line operation Yes
Agentless Yes
Write a terraform script where you create a linux ec2 instance with Security group and key defined so you should be able to use key to login to ec2 instance.
Required_Providers {
linux ec2 instance ={
source = “hashicorp/linux ec2” version = “~>3.27 “
provider “linux” {
profile = “Abhishek”
region = “us-west-2”
access_key = ” ” secret_key = ” “
resource “linux_security_group ” allow key to login”{
name = “devopsschool”
description = ” allow key to login ec2 instance”