PKS Post Assessment – Kishore Reddy

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Below are the list of PCF Commands

cf - A command line tool to interact with Pivotal Platform

cf [global options] command [argumentsā€¦] [command options]

Command	Description

help	Show help.
version	Show the version.
login	Log in to Pivotal Platform.
logout	Log out of Pivotal Platform.
passwd	Change your user password.
target	Set or view the targeted org or space.
api	Set or view the target API URL.
auth	Authenticate non-interactively.

apps	List all apps in the target space.
app	Display health and status for an app.
push	Push a new app or sync changes to an existing app.
scale	Change or view the instance count, disk space limit, and memory limit for an app.
delete	Delete an app.
rename	Rename an app.
start	Start an app.
stop	Stop an app.
restart	Stop all instances of the app, then restart them. This causes app downtime.
events	Show recent app events.
files	Show a list of files in a directory or the contents of a specific file of an app running on 
        the DEA back end.
logs	Tail or show recent logs for an app.
env	Show all environment variables for an app.
set-env	Set an environment variable for an app.
stack	Show information for a stack.
copy-source	Copy the source code of an app to another existing app, then restart that app.
ssh-enabled	Show whether SSH is enabled on an app container instance.
ssh	SSH into an app container instance.

marketplace	List all available offerings in the marketplace.
services	List all service instances in the target space.
service	Show service instance information.
orgs	List all orgs.
org	Show org information.
create-org	Create an org.
delete-org	Delete an org.
rename-org	Rename an org.
spaces	List all spaces in an org.
space	Show space information.
create-space	Create a space.
delete-space	Delete a space.
rename-space	Rename a space.