Write down steps to add new linux node of Jenkins?

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  1. Install JAVA and necessary packages to the node
  2. Create a user on the agent to be used by Jenkins
  3. Generate an ssh key. …
  4. Add the public key to the authorized_keys file of the Jenkins user on the node.
  5. Add the agent node in Jenkin UI.
  6. Go to Manage Jenkins, then Manage Nodes, then click New Node. Here you can give your node a name, then select Permanent Agent and click OK.
  7. Select Launch Slave Agents via SSH for Launch Method.
  8. Enter the hostname or IP address of node in the Host field.
  9. Click the Add button next to Credentials and select the Jenkins scope.
  10. For the credential, set Kind to SSH username with private key.
  11. Enterjenkins for the username.
  12. For the private key, select Enter directly. Then, copy the contents of your private key file (~/.ssh/id_rsa by default) and paste it into the Key box.
  13. Click Save to save the new node.