Assignment for SRE Day#1
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Git is not a file versioning tool. Its file system versioning tool. How come?
Since Git is distributed filesystem and each and every repo is considered as complete server, so ate any point of time we have a copy of the source code.Git stores the each commit as SHA value instead of version no. like SVN , clearcase etc.even the minor changes in the code make changes the SHA-1 value, so thats’s why we call it as file system versioning tool
List down top 20 jenkins plugins
- Bitbucket
- Build Pipeline
- Script security
- artifactory
- active-directory
- code-coverage-api
- git-client
- git
- jacoco
- nodejs
- workflow-cps
- workflow-step-api
- ws-cleanup
- pmd
- influxdb
- jdk-tool
- config-file-provider
- cloud-stats
- cloudfoundry
- blueocean
Write down steps to add new linux node of Jenkins?
Jenkins ->Manage Jenkins -> Nodes and Clouds configurations
Click New Node
Provide Node name : test node
Select Permanent node option