Assignment#1 for DevSecOps Batch


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Step#1 – Register and Validate your account at –

Step#2 – Login

Step#3 – Create a POST on following questions

Q1. Title – List of 20 popular commands of docker

Solution 1:

  1. docker create –name ankush1 httpd
  2. docker ps
  3. docker ps -a
  4. docker start ankush1
  5. docker  stop ankush1
  6. docker restart ankush1
  7. docker pause ankush1
  8. docker unpause ankush1
  9. docker kill ankush1
  10. docker rm ankush1
  11. docker version
  12. docker info
  13. docker help
  14. docker pull httpd
  15. docker create httpd
  16. docker run -d httpd
  17. docker exec
  18. docker image
  19. docker volume
  20. docker plugin

Q2. Title – How to configure SMTP server in Sonarqube?

Solution 2:

Navigate to SonarQube server. Under “Adminstration” => “Configuration” => “General” you will find “Email” section to add/update SMTP configuration

E.g. Navigate to

Under General –> Email do the SMPT configurations

Q3. Title – List of most popular plugins of Jenkins from

Solution 3:

Below link will provide top plugins of Jenkins