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- What is kubernetes?
Open source platform used for managing and maintaining and deploying a group of containers.
used to manage multiple docker host that is container. Designed by google but it is maintained by the cloud native computing foundation .
- 5 reasons of using kubernetes
- Scalability and portable
- high availability
- can run in any platform(developed in go)
- better application development
- open source and flexible
- Each kubernetes Components
- kubelet : Responsible for conveying and passing information from the api server. It conveys to the master node to get the information to pass to the server.
- kubernetes proxy: It runs on every node .It is a networking service. Helps in making services available to external .
- Scheduler :allocation of pods and for Assigning work to worker
- Etcd : a value accessible to all and for Storing all Data of kubernetes clustor
- API sever : It as all the kubernetes api and All the Services of function and resources managed
- Controller Manager :for Controlling all the worker state and to handle nodes from multiple containers