Git with Github notes


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What is Git and why do need it?

Top 10 commands of git

What is Github?

What is GitOps?

Use of Argocd?

What is Git?
What is Github?
What is GitOps(Concept)
What is ArgoCD(Introduction)
What is Git?
	Tool for Versioning
			Source Code
	by - Linus
	Compt with all OS
RCS -> CVS -> SVN -> GIT

How to install?
	UP - apt-get install git
	RED - yum install git 
	Windows - EXE
Git Workflow === How to version a source Code
Git Tutorial: Git Basic Workflow Working with Local Repo
Git Tutorial: Git Basic Workflow Working with Remote Repo at
Git Tutorial: Git Basic Workflow Working with Remote Repo at
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Milan Schild
Milan Schild
1 year ago

What is Git?
opensource software of versioning system
What is Github?
Cloud system for Git repos management

What is GitOps(Concept)
Practices to manage some infrastructure by using Git.

What is ArgoCD(Introduction)
It’s a continuous development tool, which can extract and deploy the latest code from git repos.

Silvia Acosta Oleta
Silvia Acosta Oleta
1 year ago

What is Git?
Is a tool for versioning for code

What is Github?
is hosting platform for control the versions

What is GitOps(Concept)

System cloud infrastructure is reproducible based on Git repository

What is ArgoCD(Introduction)
Deployment tool, is external

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~
$ git version
git version

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~
$ mkdir git-work

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~
$ cD gitwork
bash: cD: command not found

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~
$ mkdir repo1

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/SilviaAcostaOleta/.git/

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ touch

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ touch

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ touch

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ git config “siaco”

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ git config “”

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ git config –list
filter.lfs.clean=git-lfs clean — %f
filter.lfs.smudge=git-lfs smudge — %f
filter.lfs.process=git-lfs filter-process
http.sslcainfo=C:/Program Files/Git/mingw64/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ git add

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ git commit -m”This is my commit”
[master (root-commit) 615f118] This is my commit
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ git log
commit 615f118399bb6741aafb686dc5876d60e36ed315 (HEAD -> master)
Author: siaco <>
Date:  Tue Oct 31 08:32:11 2023 -0600

  This is my commit

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ git show 615f118399bb6741aafb686dc5876d60e36ed315
commit 615f118399bb6741aafb686dc5876d60e36ed315 (HEAD -> master)
Author: siaco <>
Date:  Tue Oct 31 08:32:11 2023 -0600

  This is my commit

diff –git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ ls
‘3D Objects’/
‘Application Data’@
‘Local Settings’@
‘My Documents’@
‘Saved Games’/
‘Start Menu’@

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)

AzureAD+SilviaAcostaOleta@LAPTOP-MOTD0TGG MINGW64 ~ (master)
$ git status
warning: could not open directory ‘Application Data/’: Permission denied
warning: could not open directory ‘Cookies/’: Permission denied
warning: could not open directory ‘Local Settings/’: Permission denied
warning: could not open directory ‘My Documents/’: Permission denied

Linus Shen
Linus Shen
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it? A : git can provide version control for developer , and use git we can easy to deploy application
Top 10 commands of git A: git add , git branch , git checkout , git clean , git commit, git clone, git config , git fetch ,git init , git log
What is Github? A: GitHub is an online software development platform. It’s used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on software projects

What is GitOps? A: GitOps is an operational framework that takes DevOps best practices used for application development such as version control, collaboration, compliance, and CI/CD, and applies them to infrastructure automation.

Use of Argocd? A: Argo CD is a Kubernetes controller, responsible for continuously monitoring all running applications and comparing their live state to the desired state specified in the Git repository

swati singh
swati singh
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
-git is a tool used for source code versioning.

What is Github?
-is central repository which can be used by multiple persons to work together on codes.

What is GitOps?
-is used to maintain and update the infra using codes and automated tools which senses the changes made in code and deploy in infra.

Use of Argocd?
-Argo CD is a tool which helps in deploying and managing infra/applications in an automated way. It connects with Git repositories, trackes changes made in code, updates the infra/applications.

Top 10 commands of git
git pull
git push
git add
git checkout
git log
git show
git commit
git checkout
git status

Mariano Gazzola
Mariano Gazzola
1 year ago

>What is Git and why do need it?
It’s a versioning tool for source code, used to keep track of code changes, version releasing, colaboration, etc.
>Top 10 commands of git
Git add, git push, git push, git commit, git checkout, git merge, get switch, git status, git log, git show
>What is Github?
loud-based service based on Git for storing and managing code, as well as track and control changes.
>What is GitOps?
It’s a concept for software development where Git is the center and includes practices of CD/CI, versioning, automation, etc
Use of Argocd?
It’s a popular gitops tool, declarative for kubernates

1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?

Git is a tool for tracking changes in repositories. We need it to collaborate on projects, keep a history of changes, and work on code with others .

Top 10 commands of git

   git init
   git clone
   git add
   git commit
   git pull
   git push
   git status
   git branch
   git checkout
   git merge

What is Github?

GitHub is a cloud based platform where people can store, manage, and collaborate on software projects using the Git version control system.

What is GitOps?

GitOps is a concept/method. It controls and streamlines IT tasks using Git repositories. it lets us infra setup and settings as code in Git. You can track changes, review them, and apply them to systems automatically.

Use of Argocd?

Argo CD is a tool that automates the deployment of applications from Git repositories to cloud environments. It ensures that what’s in the code matches what’s running in the system

jorge Sadao
jorge Sadao
1 year ago

Git is a devops tool used to Versioning for source code management.

top 10 commands of git :
git init
git add
git config
git log
git commit
git show
git status
git checkout master
git merge
git push
git pull

github is a code hosting plataform for version control and collaboration

gitops is a operation model pattern for cloud aplications used for applications development
 (version control,collaboration,CI/CD and applies them to infrastructure automation).
argocd is a Kubernetes controller responsible for continuosly monitoring all running aplications and comparing their live state to the designed state
specified in the git repository.

Alison Silva
Alison Silva
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
System for control system version and track changes into a code file.
We need it to track changes in the source code.

Top 10 commands of git
clone, status, add, commit, branch, merge, pull, log

What is Github?
Its a platform to control software deployment. Used for Control version, collaboration, documentation and code repository.

What is GitOps?
Its a framework for software deployment.

Use of Argocd?
Kybernet controller that compares states of application and perform synchronization and updates.

Danny Rubiano
Danny Rubiano
1 year ago

Q1: What is Git and why do need it?
Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system (VCS) for tracking changes in any set of filesof code on software development projects.
Git helps to:

  • Track changes to your code over time
  • Collaborate with other developers
  • Revert to previous versions of your code
  • Deploy your code to production

Q2: Top 10 Git commands
      git init: Initializes a new Git repository.
      git add: Adds files to the staging area.
      git commit: Commits the changes in the staging area to the repository.
      git push: Pushes the changes in the repository to a remote server.
      git pull: Pulls the changes from a remote server to the repository.
      git checkout: Checks out a specific version of the repository.
      git branch: Creates a new branch.
      git merge: Merges two branches together.
      git diff: Shows the difference between two versions of a file.
      git log: Shows the history of changes to a file.

Q3: What is GitHub?
GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service for Git repositories. It is the most popular Git hosting service in the world. Microsoft adquiere(pay) for this portal some years ago
GitHub offers a number of features that make it ideal for software development, including:

  • Version control
  • Collaboration tools
  • Code review
  • Issue tracking
  • Project management

Q4: What is GitOps?
GitOps is a way of operating IT infrastructure and applications by applying Git principles. It automates the deployment and management of applications by using Git as the single source of truth.
GitOps some benefits, are:

  • Increased reliability
  • Improved security
  • Reduced costs
  • Faster deployments

Q5: Use of ArgoCD
ArgoCD is a declarative continuous delivery platform that implements GitOps principles. It can be used to deploy and manage Kubernetes applications.
ArgoCD offers for GitOps implementations, some features:

  • Automatic deployments
  • Git integration
  • Application rollback
  • Health checks
Jacek Szałęga
Jacek Szałęga
1 year ago

## What is git
Git is an open source versioning system created by Linus Torvalds to maintain and track changes in linux kernel source code. Now it is widely used for differenet purposes

## Top 10 commands of git
git init
git clone
git branch
git checkout
git add
git commit
git log
git status
git pull
git push
git merge

## What is Github?
github is a internet platform used to version control of code using git

## What is GitOps?
GitOps is a framework which is using git to implement DevOps best practices for software development.
Main features are versioning, collaboration, CI/CD.

## Use of Argocd?
ArgoCD is continuous delivery tool for k8s. It is used to provide automated, auditable and easy to understand application definitions, configurations, and environments

Dirk Willemans
Dirk Willemans
1 year ago

What is Git?
Git is distributed version control system. A tool to collaborate with many people on writing code and keep track of evert change on the code. With possibilities to revert code.

10 commands:
git init
git branch
git clone
git push
git checkout
git config
git add
git commit
git status
git log
git switch
git rm

What is Github?
Github is a website and cloud-based service that helps developers to store, share and manage code. A management tool around git, to track issues, projects and wiki.

What is GitOps(Concept)?
GitOps is a concept where devops principles are used for infrastructure automation. You store all changes in git and on an approval of code , a workflow is triggered to make the changes you code. Those requests can be executed on K8S via help ,on ansible global tower or any other tool managing your infra.

What is ArgoCD(Introduction)?
Argocd is a K8S-native CD tool. It pull code from git and deploys it to your K8S cluster.

Silvia Acosta Oleta
Silvia Acosta Oleta
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
Is a tool for versioning for code, I neet to tracking changes in the source code, multiples devolopers shared your code which allows you to have infinite code faster

Top 10 commands of gitInit, log, commint, create, add, status, show, config, config, config –list

What is Github?is hosting platform for control the versions 

What is GitOps?System cloud infrastructure is reproducible based on Git repository 

Use of Argocd?Deployment tool, is external, simplifica the way, Argo cd can pull code from Git repository and deploy it kubernetes

1 year ago

#What is Git and why do need it?
Git is a source code versioning tool, which we can use to keep every version of the codes we modified, and rollback to any version when we need.

#Top 10 commands of git
git init
git pull
git commit
git push
git merge
git checkout
git branch
git clone
git add
git status

#What is Github?
It’s a cloud service for Git, which we can use it to share repositories to others.

#What is GitOps?
It a concept to use Git in operations. With GitOps, we can commit the config to Git and automatically deploy to applications, such as yaml of operators in k8s.
In this way, we can conduct the goal of “infra as code”.

#Use of Argocd?
Argocd is a tool to run GitOps.
It can detect the changes in Git and automatically deploy latest config.
It can also detect if there’s any change in config of operators, and re-deploy with the latest version in Git to keep configuration syncronization.

Vijay Pathania
Vijay Pathania
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
Git is a version control system to keep track of changes to code in a repository.
It is needed because when multiple people are writing to a same repository if there is no versioning in place
then it will be difficult to track down what has been changed and when it has been changed.
These thing are really handy when we have to track down a probelm with ongoing application running in production which was not foreseen when the code was being written.
Top 10 commands of git
git pull
git push origin –set-upstream origin add-name
git commit -m “add your comment”
git checkout master
git branch -d branch-name
git merge
git status
git add
git rm name
git checkout -b add-name

What is Github?
It is a place where we can have a central repository
people can clone it on their local machines
do the changes and commmit back to the central repo on the git hub.
What is GitOps?
It is concept which will ensures that based on the git repo state changes are pushed automatically in the live production environment.

Use of Argocd?
It is a tool installed in a container which will detect the changes in the github repository and automatically send those changes to the kubernetes cluster.

Kiran Kumar Vuyyuru
Kiran Kumar Vuyyuru
1 year ago
  1. Git is source code management tool. It is a version control system used to handle projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together.
  2. Git config, git init, git clone,git status, git add, git commit –m, git branch, git push-u, git checkout, git fetch
  3. GitHub is a code hosting platform for collaboration and version control. GitHub lets you work together on projects
  4. GitOps is an operational framework that takes DevOps best practices used for application development, version control, collaboration, compliance, and CI/CD, and infrastructure automation.
  5. Argo CD is a Kubernetes controller, responsible for continuously monitoring all running applications and comparing their live state to the desired state specified in the Git repository.
1 year ago

1.A. Git is a versioning tool used to maintain source code. It help to keep track of changes to source code through version and help to load any of version into workspace to work further.

2.A. git init, git add, git commit, git checkout, git log, git status, git pull, git push, git merge, git clone, git branch

3.A. Github is repository that is created remotely which provides access to multiple people to collaborate and work on the source code. Changes made by each individual is tracked through version using their username.

4.A. GitOps is used to automate the provisioning of infrastructure as a code. It helps in maintaining uniform configuration in the infrastructure through syncing the configurations through source code. It cannot replicate containers but can apply all the changes, configurations mentioned in the code.

5.A.Argocd is a tool that is responsible to keep the production environment sync with the source code defined in the git repository.

Victor Palomo
Victor Palomo
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?

Control version tool for dev

Top 10 commands of git

git log

git checkout

git commit

git add

git add -all

git config –list

git init

git pull 

git push

What is Github?

Web reposotory based in git with GUI that adds collaboration and other features.

What is GitOps?

Allows to use git as tool and push new features in the code directly to production

Use of Argocd?

Monitoring all running applications

Ville Kääriä
Ville Kääriä
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
Git is distributed version control system. With Git we can develop changes locally and then push changes to other developers, usually centralized repository like github/gitlab.

Top 10 commands of git
git init # initialize folder to be git repository
git add FILENAME # Add file to staging
git commit -m “” # Commit staged files with comment
git log # Show commit log
git show COMMITID # Show what changes happened in that commit
git status # Shows which branch you are in and what files are staged
git push # Push local commits to remote repository
git pull # Pull changes from remote repository to local repository
git branch # You can list, create, or delete branches
git merge # Merge branches

What is Github?
Github is web based hosting service for git that adds funtionality to Git. You can use hosted or you can also have dedicated github for you company. GitHub adds funtionality like RBaC, GUI, project management, ticket/issues.

What is GitOps?
GitOps is concept where infrastructure is being configured with Git. Operator makes changes to Git and some automation tool (like argocd) notices that change and implements it to infrastructure. With GitOps we can see state of infrastructure from git and also see who made what changes and where.

Use of Argocd?
ArgoCD is application that configures kuberentes based on configuration in git. When there is change in Git argocd will try to implement it and it tries to keep kubernetes configuration matching what is in Git.

Ankur Malik
Ankur Malik
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
Git is a free and open-source version control system used to handle small to very large projects efficiently. Git is used to tracking changes in the source code, enabling multiple developers to work together.

Top 10 commands of git ?

clone    Clone a repository into a new directory
init        Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an existing one
add       Add file contents to the index
restore   Restore working tree files
status     Show the working tree status
branch    List, create, or delete branches
commit   Record changes to the repository
merge    Join two or more development histories together
pull       Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
push     Update remote refs along with associated objects

What is Github?
Github is a website and cloud-based service that helps developers to store, share and manage code. A management tool around git, to track issues, projects and wiki etc.

What is GitOps?
GitOps is a concept where devops principles are used for infrastructure automation. to store all the changes in git and on an approval of code, then workflow will be triggere to make the changes for your code. 
Those requests can be executed on K8S also on ansible global tower.

What is ArgoCD?
Argocd is a K8S-native CD tool. It pull code from git and deploys it to your K8S cluster.

Bert Smets
Bert Smets
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
A tool for versioning source code.

Top 10 commands of git

  • git init
  • git add
  • git commit
  • git log
  • git show
  • git push
  • git pull
  • git clone
  • git checkout
  • git merge

What is Github?
Tool for using remote git repositories that can be used for collaborating on projects. Github adds some features that are not present in git like RBAC, issue tracking, security, backup, …

What is GitOps?
A pratice for managine and automating the deployment of new versions using git as source.

Use of Argocd?
Gitops continuous delivery tool, used for managing and deploying applications on Kubernetes clusters/

Milan Schild
Milan Schild
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
Opensource software of versioning system. many files, many version, we need orchestrator.

Top 10 commands of git
clone, branch, checkout, status, add, commit, push, pull, revert, merge

What is Github?
Practices to manage some infrastructure by using Git.

What is GitOps?
Practices to manage some infrastructure by using Git.

Use of Argocd?
Allowing us to declaratively manage the applications and keep them in consistent state with the current version of the code

1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
# Git is a software version control system which helps to keep track of the different versions of software under development and helps collaboration among developers keeping the code in central repository. 

Top 10 commands of git
# git init – to initialize a repository on the local machine
# git add <file> – to add files to staging area of the git system
# git commit -m “commit info” – to commit modifications made in the staging section to the git repo
# git log – show what has been committed into the repo
# git status – what has been commited from staging and what’s still pending
# git show <commit id> – show detailed information about the commit
# git checkout <commit id> – revert to earlier commit on the local machine
# git checkout master – update the repo on local machine to the latest branch
# git clone – to clone a git repo to the local machine
# git branch – show branches
# git checkout <branch> – change to a branch on the local machine

What is Github?
# Github is the extension of the original git version control system with additional features, like gui, issue handling, adding wiki pages, etc.

What is GitOps?
# GitOps is the concept of automating deployment of new versions of software or software configurations into the test/dev/prod environment.
Its a declarative method which uses git to distribute code/config changes to the prod environemnt.

Use of Argocd?
# ArgoCD is a tool which implements GitOps approach

Kostiantyn Konstantinov
Kostiantyn Konstantinov
1 year ago

##What is Git and why do need it?
Git is a version control tool that tracks all changes to files in a specific location. Used during project development to track all code changes.
##Top 10 commands of git
Git add, config, log, commit, pull, push, checkout, merge, init, clone 
##What is Github?
This a cloud-based platform, that gives an advanced features of GIT, like access control, and e few more.
##What is GitOps?
GitOps is a concept of practices to manage infrastructure and application configurations using Git, CI/CD pipelines, version control.
## Use of Argocd?
This is a tool that implements GitOps concept.

Arturo Alvarado Esparza
Arturo Alvarado Esparza
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
Git is a tool used for sorce code management, is used to version control system. We need it because git tracks the change you make to files, so you have a record of what has been done and you can revert to specific versions should you ever need to.Git also makes collaboration easier, allowing changes by multiple people to all be merged into one source

Top 10 commands of git
git init
git clone
git branch
git checkout
git add
git commit
git push
git pull
git log
git show

What is Github?
Github is a platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work togheter on projects anywhere. Github helps developers to store and manage their code, track and control changes

What is GitOps?
GitOps is a concept or a set of practices to manage infraestructure and application configuration using Git repositories. Gitops is like a evolution of IaC that leverages Git as the single source of truth, and control mechanism for creating, updating and deleting system architecture

Use of Argocd?
ArgoCd is a continuous deploymet tool. ArgoCD can pull updated code from Git repositories and deploy it directly to Kubernetes resources. It allows to manage infrastructure configuration and application updates in one system. Argo enables teams to implement a GitOps approach for their CI/CD pipelines in Kubernetes

Francisco Jose Montoya
Francisco Jose Montoya
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it?
Git is a versioning tool created by linus torvalds and is compatible with all OS existing and is free to use.
We use it to track all changes that we made to our code and be able to share it with some collaborators so they can work on it. it also help us to create different branches for the same code so different people can contribute to specific parts of the proyect.

Top 10 commands of git

init.- git init – initialized a repository
config .- git config <argument> – modify the configuration file for our git repository
add.- git add <file> – Add files to our git staging area
commit.- git commit -m<comments> – it add the file changes to our local repository
log.- git log – To show our commit history
show.- git show – it show us what was commited with more details
checkout.- git checkout <branch> – to change from one branch to another
rm.- git rm <file> – is to remove files from out git repository
status.- git status – display the state between the working directory and the staging area
branch.- git branch <name of the new branch> – is used to create a new branch to work independently

What is Github?
Is a platform where you can host your code and it is intented to help you with the version control, it lets you and other to work on the same proyect remotely

What is GitOps?
is an operationl framework to automate the process of provisioning infraestructure in cloud environments, initially was designed to work with kubernets but is not the only one. And it use git as it source code.

Use of Argocd?
its a kubernetes tool for continuous deployment, that can pull updated code directly form git repositories and put it into kubernetes resources.

Linus Shen
Linus Shen
1 year ago

What is Git and why do need it? A : git can provide version control for developer , and use git we can easy to deploy application
Top 10 commands of git A: git add , git branch , git checkout , git clean , git commit, git clone, git config , git fetch ,git init , git log
What is Github? A: GitHub is an online software development platform. It’s used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on software projects
What is GitOps? A: GitOps is an operational framework that takes DevOps best practices used for application development such as version control, collaboration, compliance, and CI/CD, and applies them to infrastructure automation.
Use of Argocd? A: Argo CD is a Kubernetes controller, responsible for continuously monitoring all running applications and comparing their live state to the desired state specified in the Git repository

Daniel F Hernandez
Daniel F Hernandez
1 year ago

# What is Git and why do need it?
Git is a tool for code management. Is used to tracking changes in the source code and allow multiples developers work together.

# Top 10 commands of git
git init
git add
git commit
git status
git branch
git merge
git rebase
git push
git pull
git help

# What is Github?
Is a cloud-based service to store an manage software code, track and control changes.

# What is GitOps?
Is a framework focus in application deployment. It uses version control, and CI/CD, and applies them to infrastructure automation.

# Use of ArgoCD?
Is a Kubernetes-native continuous deployment tool.

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