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Source – devops.com
Driving business in this fast-paced world is maddening as owners have to remember customer preferences, beat market competition and similarly cater to different things within the organization’s radius.
How a business owner manages all this defines the business success, which is gauged through outcomes in the form of smart products, point-on services and almost-immediate feedback. Bank applications, the best smartphones and interactive technology are all proof of this.
But what is it that stands at the heart of it all?
The Right DevOps Approach
When enough is done and businesses still find that there’s a missing piece that will complete “the successful business picture,” they go back to figuring out what and how they can fix the problem. They never come to realize that they will have to consider revamping their organizational structure to meet the growing demands of their influential business.
How, then, do you assess your approach to DevOps?
While most believe that it’s a technological approach that they should incorporate in their business, it’s more of a cultural approach. To implement DevOps into your existing organizational structure, you first must look at its current state of readiness.
Doing this is important, as it helps decision-makers understand how they can embed the smart collaboration after a thorough consideration of the challenges that stand in the way of DevOps implementation. Once the initial assessment is done, business owners need to ask themselves three questions before assessing DevOps readiness:
- Is there a Management-Employee Agreement? A successful DevOps process not only relies on collaboration between Development and Operations, but also needs a top-down (management-employee) agreement. Once that’s in place, the company is already halfway through the success road.
- Is there a Plan in Place? Many firms just barge into technology like it’s all they need to reach their finish line. Stop! Wait! Think! Owners need to have a detailed strategy, equipped with process tools and goals clearly outlined and best practices chalked out. Once this is done, the culturally different teams need to collaborate and work ways to learn and equip themselves with the technologies and practices of each other’s processes. With all this in place, organizations will be ready to take the DevOps jump.
- Is the Organization Ready to Tread the Ocean? Now that the plan is in place, what’s next? Organizations, as mentioned earlier, are in hot pursuit to experiment with what they’ve learnt new. Anything new is fancy, but humbleness is the key! Starting small will set the new cultural shift to completely settle in its new mold. To run the boat in big waters, you first need to test it in small water. Similarly, to test the success of DevOps for a big business project, you first want to test its adaptability to a smaller one. Once you’ve cut off from the harbor, you are all set to wade the ocean.
Most business players underestimate the ability of DevOps with whatever industry rumors they hear and some of their own pre-conceived notions. Some other think that they know it all, but what matters is having a strategic approach to first considering DevOps and its tools, and then adapting it accordingly.
Once the DevOps automation is in place, organizations will be busy reaping the benefits of its successful implementation.