An Introduction of Kubernetes

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An Introduction to Kubernetes

Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers. Originally developed by Google, Kubernetes is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It provides a powerful framework to run distributed systems in production, making it easier to manage the complexity of modern cloud-native applications.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Containers allow applications to run consistently across different environments, and Kubernetes manages these containers efficiently at scale. It provides features such as automatic deployment, scaling, and healing of application containers across a cluster of machines.

Why Do We Need Kubernetes?

Managing containers in a production environment can become complex when scaling up, ensuring uptime, handling failures, load balancing, and resource management. Kubernetes addresses these challenges by:

  • Automating container deployment: Kubernetes deploys containers across multiple servers (nodes) in a cluster, ensuring the application runs smoothly.
  • Scaling applications: It automatically scales applications up or down based on resource needs, improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  • Self-healing: Kubernetes replaces or restarts failed containers automatically, ensuring continuous availability.
  • Load balancing: It distributes traffic across multiple containers to ensure high availability.
  • Automated rollouts and rollbacks: Kubernetes handles updating your applications and can revert to a previous version if necessary.

How Kubernetes Works?

Kubernetes operates by grouping containers that make up an application into pods, which are deployed across a cluster of machines. Each pod contains one or more containers and is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes. Kubernetes uses a declarative model where users define the desired state of their applications (e.g., number of running instances) in YAML or JSON files, and Kubernetes continuously works to ensure the system matches this desired state.

Basic working process:

  1. Control Plane: The control plane consists of components like the API server, controller manager, and scheduler, which oversee the entire Kubernetes environment and manage the desired state.
  2. Nodes: The nodes run the application containers. Each node has a Kubelet agent that communicates with the control plane to receive instructions.
  3. Scheduler: This determines where to run new containers based on resource requirements and node conditions.
  4. Networking and Services: Kubernetes provides internal networking, allowing different parts of an application to communicate with each other.

Kubernetes Components

Kubernetes has several core components that enable its functionality:

  1. API Server: Acts as the front end for the Kubernetes control plane, exposing the Kubernetes API.
  2. etcd: A distributed key-value store that stores all cluster data.
  3. Controller Manager: Ensures the cluster’s desired state is maintained by running different types of controllers.
  4. Scheduler: Assigns pods to nodes based on resource availability and policy constraints.
  5. Kubelet: The agent that runs on each node, managing containers and ensuring they run as instructed.
  6. Kube Proxy: Manages networking and routing within the cluster.

Top 5 Resources to Learn Kubernetes

  1. Kubernetes Official Documentation
    Comprehensive and authoritative, the official docs are the go-to resource for learning and referencing Kubernetes.
    Kubernetes Documentation
  2. Kubernetes Academy by VMware
    Free online courses for learning Kubernetes, covering beginner to advanced topics.
    Kubernetes Academy
  3. Kelsey Hightower’s “Kubernetes the Hard Way”
    A step-by-step guide to setting up Kubernetes from scratch without using managed services or scripts, ideal for deep learning.
    Kubernetes the Hard Way
  4. The CNCF Kubernetes Training and Certification
    Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) and Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) programs are excellent for mastering Kubernetes.
    CNCF Training
  5. Kubernetes Up & Running Book
    Written by Kelsey Hightower, Brendan Burns, and Joe Beda (all Kubernetes co-creators), this book is a thorough introduction.
    Kubernetes Up & Running

These resources provide a blend of hands-on practice, in-depth guides, and structured learning paths to build a solid foundation in Kubernetes.

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27 days ago
  • What is Kubernetes?

Used to manage multiple containers, reset their states

27 days ago

Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool
To manage our docker containers as pods so that we can easily keep them up and running
We control the master using kubectl which controls the slavesmaster node, worker nodes and pods
API server, scheduler, etc db, kubectl, containerd etc.

Last edited 27 days ago by fawaz
27 days ago
  1. Tool to orchestrate containers
  2. For pod management in production effectively
  3. Yaml or JSON (Desire – Execution)
  4. Cluster, Node – Master, Worker
  5. Proxy,Scheduler,API Server,Cluster Database,POD Network
27 days ago
  1. Kubernetes will help you to bring/manage containers on production
  2. Kubernetes will have these capabilities like managing containers, self-healing, load balancing, etc and solves all problems
  3. send Yaml to api server, controller will talk to scheduler and worker nodes will talk to the control manager.
  4. pods, api server, nodes, control manager etc
Madhavi G
Madhavi G
27 days ago

What is Kubernetes? 
– To manage containers
Why we need Kubernetes? 
– To manage multiple containers in the production level
– load balancing, auto healing, 
How Kubernetes Works?
– json/yaml –> Master(API server –> controller manager –> Database –> Scheduler) –> worker nodes –>( pod –> kubelet –> kubeproxy)
Kubernetes Components?
-Master and worker nodes
Top 5 resources of Kubernetes?

27 days ago
  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Kubernetes manages multiple containers
  • Why we need Kubernetes?
  • Helpful in deploying and managing multiple containers at the production level
  • How Kubernetes Works?
  • User sends the request in the form of yaml/json
  • Kubernetes master receives the request and creates the pods and deploys in the worker nodes respectively to fulfill the request
  • Kubernetes Components?
  • Kubernetes master – >api server -> Scheduler -> Controller manager -> cluster store -> Worker nodes -> POD -> Kublet -> kube-proxy
27 days ago

What is Kubernetes?
Ans: Kubernetes is mangament of cluster which has running the containers
Why we need Kubernetes?
Ans: Scalable the hosts, auto healing and load-balancing the pods
How Kubernetes Works?
ANS: Master node will be manage the cluster and worker node execute the workloads. Where api-server accept the request and etcd will be store , controller will 
manage the health-checkup of cluster( means running the container and correct number of container) and scheduler will decide what to perform 
Kubernetes Components?
ANS: Controller, Scheduler, etcd and api-server
Top 5 resources of Kubernetes?

27 days ago

1. Kubernetes is something which manages the containers.

2. Usage of Kubernetes
. scalability
. self healing
. Load balancing

3. User talks to API server using YAML/json, which in turn is connected to database. API server talks with the master node which manages the worker nodes. Worker nodes contains the pods which have containers.

Control panel
API Server
Master nodes
Worker nodes


27 days ago

What is Kubernetes?
-Tool to deploy, manage and auto scale containerized apps.
Why we need Kubernetes?

  • For managing clusters.

How Kubernetes Works?

  • Basic unit of kubernets is pod. Each pod is managed by a node and that node is managed by master. Master can be multiple in number. Each node can be managed by any master and each node itself tells the master about its availability/health.
  • There are mainly 4 types of components of kubernetes- apiserver takes care of all the requirements, scheduler checks which pod to schedule, etcd stores all the details, controller manages the state of Kubernetes cluster and makes changes to keeps it running.

Kubernetes Components?

  • controller, apiserver, scheduler, etcd
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