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Assignment – 1by JVarshita


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Q-1 – DevOps in simple words means the changes in mindset and culture of engineers, so that they can create one goal, one culture, one team and one mindset. It also increases the ability of any company/organization to deliver proper products to the required clients with proper quality of software, immediate release and cost reduction particularly.

As you can see in the below image that how the various teams are working together and increasing stability and performance, which speeds up the software deliveries to the client.

Q – 2 – 10 Advantages of DevOps are:

  1. As DevOps focuses on having one goal and brining all the teams together under one platform, we can say that it delivers in a faster way.
  2. Also, we get more optimized product.
  3. The quality is assured as many teams work together.
  4. DevOps can bring in more innovation, as new ideas keep coming up.
  5. It helps in reducing Knowledge waste and waiting time.
  6. Defects can be corrected effectively.
  7. DevOps helps in evolution from servers to containers.
  8. Security check is performed frequently.
  9. Any products can be created or improvised in a faster pace.
  10. Transparency as easy communication can be done between teams.


Jenkins, Jira, git, sensu, ansible, chef, maven, gradle, splunk, saltstack, Nagios. etc..

Q – 4 – We can implement DevOps in many ways.

  1. By first developing DevOps culture amongst the engineers.
  2. Including more security and transparency.
  3. Selection of proper tools.
  4. Defining the process of the deployment.
  5. Monitoring the status of organization
  6. Continuous delivery, Testing and Integration plays a very important role.
  7. Agile model monitoring
  8. Automation plays a lead role to work between Development and Operations teams.
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