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What is kubernetes?

It is a open source platform which is portable, extensible. It is used for managing containerized workloads and other services it also facilitates both declarative configuration and automation.It often uses k8s containerized applications to run on a cluster of hosts.The k8 uses public cloud platform.

 5 reasons of using kubernetes



Service discovery



Each kubernetes Components & write 2-3 mins about each one of them.

Container runtime:-The container runtime is the software that is responsible for running containers.

Addons:-Addons use kubernetes resources to implement cluster features.

Dns:-Cluster Dns is a Dns server in addition to the other Dns servers in your environment which serves Dna records for kubernetes services

Web Ui:-Dashboards is a genersl purpose,web based Ui for kubernetes clusters.It allows users to manage and troubleshoot applications running in the cluster and in the cluster itself

container resource monitoring:-it records generic time-series metrics about containers in a central database and provodes a Ui for browsing that data.

Cluster level logging:-it is a mechanism to responsible for saving container logs to a central log store with search/browse history

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