Assignment Day 2 – Explain docker update & docker wait commands with example

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docker update

The docker update command dynamically updates container configuration. You can use this command to prevent containers from consuming too many resources from their Docker host

eg : docker update –cpu-shares 512 317e428b3427(share cpu)

docker update --cpu-shares 512 -m 300M 166eb15bcb01(Update a container with cpu-shares and memory)

you can check with the docker inspect 166eb15bcb01 command

docker wait

Start a container in the background.

$ docker run -dit --name=my_container ubuntu bash

Run docker wait, which should block until the container exits.

$ docker wait my_container

In another terminal, stop the first container. The docker wait command above returns the exit code.

$ docker stop my_container

This is the same docker wait command from above, but it now exits, returning 0.

$ docker wait my_container