Assignment SRE Day1
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i) Git is not a file versioning tool. Its file system versioning tool. How come?
Git don’t just check out the latest snapshot of the files; rather, they fully mirror the repository, including its full history. Thus, if any server dies, and these systems were collaborating via that server, any of the client repositories can be copied back up to the server to restore it. Every clone is really a full backup of all the data.
ii) List down top 20 jenkins plugins
1) Dashboard View Plugin
2) View Job Filters Plugin
3) Folders Plugin
4) Monitoring Plugin
5) Metrics Plugin
6) Performance Plugin
7) Performance Publisher Plugin
8) Kubernetes Plugin
9) Self-Organizing Swarm Modules Plugin
10) Amazon ECS Container Service
11) Azure Container Service
12) Tests Analysis Plugins
13) Test Results Analyzer
14) Bootstrapped-multi-test-result-report plugin
15) Job DSL plugin
16) Build Pipeline Plugin
17) Multijob Plugin
18) Pipeline Plugin
19) Source Control Management plugin
20) Git Plugin
iii) Define git workflow and list down all the git workflow options
A Git workflow is a recipe or recommendation for how to use Git to accomplish work in a consistent and productive manner.
Git workflow options:-
iv) What is continuous integration?
Integrating and Automating the code review tool, build tool, artifact tool, deployment tool with a single tool by instructin through code.