Zombies Are Muttering “Agile”, “DevOps”, “Containers”, “Big Data”, and “Microservices”

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – technologyconversations.com DevOps is the word of the year. Everyone speaks about it, and many are hoping to apply it, even though most are confused what it truly means. Inquiring about DevOps does not seem to help. If you speak with a software vendor, he’ll tell you that all you need to become DevOps

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4 steps to continuous development and positive organisational change

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – anatas.com.au Continuous delivery is a software development approach that involves implementing small but frequent improvements to a product based on user feedback. It’s a methodology widely favoured over less responsive, more traditional methods. Rather than trying to build a final complex piece of software without knowing whether anyone will use it, continuous delivery allows customers to

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DevOps: Using Ansible to deploy Cacti for network monitoring

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – opensourceforu.com Cacti is written in PHP and uses the MySQL database as a backend. It uses the RRDtool (Round-Robin Database tool) to handle time series data and has built-in SNMP support. Cacti has been released under the GNU General Public License. Figure 1: Licence agreement Setting up Cacti We will use a CentOS

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Improve your teams productivity using GitHub for DevOps–and Docs

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – ibm.com As Steven Weaver recently discussed in his blog about GitHub and the DevOps toolchain, GitHub offers a powerful tool for improving your team’s collaboration and workflow. It makes processes and procedures much more repeatable and automatable. By design, GitHub also functions as a terrific tool for capturing the “tribal knowledge” that’s embodied

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How IT Ops can avoid the DevOps capacity crunch

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – techbeacon.com DevOps and digital transformations have brought an unprecedented increase in the pace and volume of daily change in IT. While this may sound like great news to development and product groups, IT operations management is often alarmed by the potential risk that its already overloaded workforce will be squeezed beyond the breaking point. IT

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Security & Development: Better Together

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – darkreading.com How DevSecOps removes the silos between security and application development teams so that everyone can work together at the same speed. For organizations trying to accelerate their product go-to-market, DevOps has transformed application development. By knocking down the wall between development and operations it’s now possible to release incremental changes more often.

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Improving Linux Security with DevSecOps

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – linuxjournal.com Ask people who run IT departments these days what keeps them up at night, and they’ll probably tell you it’s security—or the lack of it. With the explosive growth of malicious attacks on everything from hospitals to Fortune 500s, security—not hardware, software and even staff—is what currently makes life miserable. That’s why

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Cloud native applications adoption is set to double by 2020: study

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Mumbai: New research from Capgemini, indicates a significant step change in enterprise cloud adoption through the increased use of cloud native applications – applications and services built to perform optimally in the cloud, leveraging Platform as a Service (PaaS) Cloud-native applications can enable IT to better contribute to business agility and innovation

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Integrating Codeship Pro And Docker With Percy Visual Testing

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – documentation.codeship.com What Is Percy? Percy is a visual testing tool that lets you take screen shots, monitor visual changes and require team approval to these visual captures in an automated way as part of your CI/CD pipeline. Setting Up Percy Setting Your Percy Variables You will need to add the two values Percy

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Red Hat to Acquire Codenvy to Extend DevOps Tools Capability

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – infoq.com Red Hat has announced the acquisition of Codenvy, an Agile and cloud-native tools provider. Financial terms of the deal are not being publicly disclosed. Red Hat’s acquisition of Codenvy adds to its portfolio of development tools providing capability for container-based and cloud-native applications. Codenvy will be incorporated into Red Hat’s OpenShift.io environment

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AIOps combines machine learning and automation to transform IT operations.

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – cio.com IT operations has become the lifeblood of all businesses today. A healthy IT organization can provide key competitive advantages for businesses in a fast-paced market. Many companies struggle to meet the high demand due to increased cloud system complexity. Distributed apps (where different parts of an app run on different systems) make

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Continuous Delivery with Kubernetes the Hard Way

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – infoq.com This post will discuss how to build up an architecture for continuous delivery from simple to complicated. At each point we’ll see the limitations of the simpler approaches, and justify adding complexity and/or refactoring the architecture. The ultimate approach described here is the approach that the Weaveworks team has found works best

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The Real Business Benefits of DevOps

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – infobeans.com DevOps, an evolution of the agile methodology, has firmly planted its feet in the enterprise. 2016 witnessed DevOps growing in maturity and in adoption and it has steadily now become a standard way of working. According to the fifth annual State of the Cloud Survey, 2016 by RightScale, “DevOps adoption increased from

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DevOps practitioners open up about enterprise adoption challenges

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – computerweekly.com While the list of enterprise companies that have managed to adopt DevOps successfully continues to grow, many remain convinced that the benefits of continuous delivery are impossible for large and more complex organisations. “The prevailing notion is that DevOps is for startups and the Googles, Amazons and Facebooks of this world, and

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The search for IT’s Holy Grail: Fostering DevOps Collaboration

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – dev.to The Tech industry is constantly drawn to new concepts and one of the most talked about topics of the moment is DevOps. This new kid on the block promises to deliver a faster response to business change while reducing single points of failure. But to successfully implement a DevOps culture in any

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New research explores continued difference between LOB and IT on cloud initiatives

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – cloudcomputing-news.net Is it the line of business or IT leading cloud initiatives? According to the latest paper from the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF), IT directors believe that cloud adoption is driven principally by their IT function as part of a strategic shift, rather than the need for change driven by business decision makers.

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10 Promising Cloud Startups of 2017

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – readitquik.com Almost every company is either starting off or is on the way to embracing cloud computing as a way of business. This growing demand is giving impetus to a host of startups in the cloud computing space, with plenty of room for companies to carve their niche and grow. Yet, within this

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IT firms look for new skill sets in prospective employees

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – business-standard.com India’s information technology (IT) services industry is hiring engineers with skills in cloud computing, analytics and digital — the segments that clients are spending money on — even as companies tighten performance appraisals of employees working on legacy services where budgets are shrinking. Industry lobby group National Association of Software and Services

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Study reveals how companies can develop and deliver better software faster

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – channellife.co.nz New data from almost a thousand global respondents has found there are substantial benefits to be had from cloud-based tools for DevOps. CA Technologies released the first-of-its-kind study in a move the company says quantifies the benefits for companies the combine DevOps methodologies with cloud-based tools and delivery mechanisms. Revealed at the

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8 QA Tips to Survive in the Digital Transformation Era

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – techstory.in “90% of CEOs believe the Digital Transformation will impact their industry, but less than 15% are executing on a digital strategy.” – MIT Sloan & Capgemini This research says that each enterprise will need to adapt digital strategies in order to align the business processes and offer end-to-end customer experience. The digital

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