List of 20 docker commands and its use cases with example ?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now -> docker ā€“versionThis command is used to get the currently installed version of docker-> docker pullThis command is used to pull images from the docker repository-> docker runThis command is used to create a container from an image-> docker psThis command is used to list the running containers-> docker ps -aThis command is used

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What is the difference between CMD vs Entry point ?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now The ENTRYPOINT instruction looks almost similar to the CMD instruction. However, the main highlighting difference between them is that it will not ignore any of the parameters that you have specified in the Docker run command (CLI parameters).-> CMD : Sets default parameters that can be overridden from the Docker Command Line Interface (CLI)

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List of dockerfile instructions and its Brief Summary?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now There are multiple INSTRUCTIONS that are available in Dockerfile, some of these include: From :The FROM instruction specifies the Base Image from which you are building.RUN: In this we can run our commands for installing the packagesADD: This instruction will give the output of converting tar file in to normal file and it will

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What is the differenet between docker exec and attach?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now -> Attach:This command to attach your terminalā€™s standard input, output, and error to a running container using the containerā€™s ID or name.-> exec: The docker exec command runs a new command in a running container. execute the below command after restarting the container node API

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What is the difference between docker stop and kill?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Starting and stopping a container is not the same as starting and stopping a normal process. To terminate a container, Docker provides the docker stop and docker kill commands. Both the docker kill and docker stop commands look similar, but their internal execution is different. The docker stop commands issue the SIGTERM signal, whereas

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What is the differenet between docker pause and unpause?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now -> Docker Pause :It will suspend all processes in the specified containers. It means that the processes in the container stop running, and they can resume later.-> Docker Un pause :It will resume all the processes in the specified container. It means recovery container all processes.

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Components of Docker and its Brief Summary ?

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now the docker is virtualization operating system which is mainly used for development and running application through containers which are lightweight software blocks can run application with all dependencies.-> Components of docker :1)Docker client: Whenever we are using docker commands, the client sends the commands to dockerd, which carries them out. The docker command uses

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