Azure gets classy with Java resource management libraries

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Java may be slipping down the charts, but Microsoft is still feeling the love for the world’s second most popular language. The Azure cloud is now equipped with new libraries to ease the integration of Java code with online resources, the company announced in a blog post.

“The latest Azure Resource Management Libraries for Java is a result of our efforts to create a resource management client library that is user-friendly and idiomatic to the Java ecosystem,” said Weidong Xu, senior software engineer, Azure Management SDK for Java. “These new libraries provide a higher-level, object-oriented API for managing Azure resources, that is optimized for ease of use, succinctness, and consistency.”

The libraries are designed around a fluent or chained methodology, which embodies a workflow approach to chaining together the components for a complete process. In particular, the libraries are designed to automatically fulfil dependencies or resource allocation processes for each task.

For example, creating a virtual machine can chain in the required storage account and service plan, and it is similarly easy to programmatically batch create and delete Managed Disk Instances.

Other new library functions include support for Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) through the new Azure Identity library, which enables developers to acquire tokens from the Microsoft identity platform endpoint in order to authenticate users and access secured APIs.

The company lists some twenty services available through the new libraries, including CDN, Compute, Containers, DNS, SQL, and Network and Traffic Management. Documentation and code snippets are available in the Azure SDK and developer blogs.

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