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Program 1 â Write a Ansible Adhoc Commands to create a group called âdeploy”
$ ansible -m groupadd -a”name=deploy “
Program 2 â Write a Ansible Adhoc Commands to create a user called âdeploy-userâ which is part of group called âdeployâ and with /bin/bash shell.
$ ansible -m usseradd -a”name=deploy-user group=deploy”
3. Ansible Adhoc commands install package named âhttpdâ in RHEL/centos.
$ ansible localhost -m yum -a “name=httpd state=present”
 4. Ansible Adhoc commands to start and enable the service named âhttpd”
$ ansible localhost -m service -a”name=httpd state=started enabled=yes”
Program 5 â Write a Ansible commands to create a file called âindex.htmlâ in /var/www/html with some dummy html contents.
$ ansible localhost -m copy -a”src=index.html dest=/var/www/html”
Program 6 â Write a Ansible commands to copy a file called âsecond.htmlâ in /var/www/html/second.html with some dummy html contents.
$ ansible localhost -m copy -a”src=second.html destination=/var/www/html/second.html
Program 7 â Write a Ansible commands to install a package called âgitâ, âwgetâ.
$ ansible all -m ansible.builtin.git -a”name=git”
$ ansible all -m ansible.builtin.git -a”name=wget”
Program 8 â Write a Ansible Adhoc commands to clone git repo. https://github.com/scmgalaxy/ansible-role-template.
$ ansible all -m ansible.builtin.git -a”repo=https://github.com/scmgalaxy/ansible-role-template clone=yes”
Program 9 â Write a Ansible commands to reboot a self machine.
$ ansible all -m ansible.builtin.reboot -a”name=reboot the machine”