BigPanda Provides Free 90-Day Access to IT Ops Platform

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BigPanda, a provider of an IT ops platform infused with machine learning algorithms, this week announced it will make available for free for 90 days an instance of its software available to IT professionals working from home to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mohan Kompella, vice president of product marketing for BigPanda, said the IT Ops From Home program is intended to make it easier for IT teams to manage IT operations using a platform that was designed from the ground up to remotely manage highly distributed computing environments.

BigPanda is also providing free 90-day support along with free training via a virtual classroom. Organizations that opt to participate in the program are under no obligation to renew.

Kompella said the BigPanda platform is designed to correlate events in a way that automates IT incident management. It provides built-in integrations with software and services from Amazon Web Services (AWS), AppDynamics, Cloudwatch, Splunk, Azure, Jira and Slack.

It may take a little effort for IT organizations to implement a new platform for managing IT in the midst of a pandemic, he conceded, but also noted there are organizations that are finding their existing IT platforms are not designed to enable IT teams to support an entire workforce that is now accessing distributed applications from home. The BigPanda platform makes it possible to unify the management of all the silos that now make up an enterprise IT environment—in fact, Kompella said managing IT environments remotely may soon become the “new normal.” In much the same way many organizations now employ remote workers to provide customer service, Kompella noted it’s possible many IT support staff will now simply work from home. That approach would, among other things, reduce the cost of office space for IT personnel.

As organizations struggle to implement business continuity plans there’s no doubt many legacy IT operations platforms are being stretched to their limit. Many of the plans organizations had to slowly transition to a modern IT management platform now need to be accelerated, said Kompella.

There’s no doubt the COVID-10 pandemic will have a profound impact on the way IT is managed. Many processes will be forever altered, especially as organizations embrace DevOps processes to manage application workloads that are increasingly likely to be deployed in the cloud, as part of a concerted effort to make business processes more resilient in the face of global disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic. After all, no one is quite sure when the current crisis might subside or return. There may even additional pandemics to contend with in the future.

Whatever the motivation, an evolutionary approach to modernizing IT ops will be moving forward at a faster pace among organizations that have the wherewithal to stave off the current economic downturn caused by the pandemic. In fact, there may even be a high correlation between organizations that fail to modernize those processes and those organizations that don’t re-emerge stronger in 2021.

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