Day-3: 4.What is pod in Kubernetes. Explain in 15 Points with image as example

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Pod is the basic unit of work

It is application or service

Pod is an atomic unit of scheduling in Node

Kubernetes manages pod and not container

Kubernetes job is to keep the pods running based on desired state

  • State is the pod up and running
  • Health is the application in the pod running

Pod shares the same resource with all containers in it

Pod shares the same IP to all containers in it

Preferred approach is one container in one pod

No pod is ever redeployed (once destroyed, same pod cannot be deployed, rather similar pod can be instantiated)

Pod cannot be create/start/stop.

Pod can be instantiate only (by kubelete)

Inter pod communication through pod network (each pod have it’s on IP)

Intra pod communication is through local host

Each container in a pod is assigned with different port numbers