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1) What is Kubernetes?
A) Kubernetes is a containers orchestration which manages large number of docker host containers. It is developed by google and later donated to CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation). It is a open source platform for managing containers workloads and serrvices.
2) 5 reasons of using Kubernetes.
- Scalability
- Better management
- Very useful for open source projects with less cost.
- It allows to allocate container applications as of our choice.
- It responds to need of applications running at the moment.
3) Each Kubernetes Components & write 2-3 lines about each one of them.
- Etcd:- It stores the information of all K8 cluster. It stores in key value format of multiple clusters.
- API Server:- It provides all operations on cluster using API. It implements an interface, which means different tools and libraries.
- Controller manager:- It is responsible for regulating the state of cluster and to perform a task. It sends and receives data to API server.
- Scheduler:- It is used for distributing the workload and it is also used to track and utilization of workload.
- Kube Proxy:- It manages the networking part. It makes the services available to the host.