Day4- Assignment-vishal- Kubernetes basics

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What are the 10 feature of kubernetes? –

  1.  optimizes the utilization of resources like CPU and memory through containers
  2. allow for efficient distributions of applications across a cluster of nodes
  3. Its a tool or platform which focuses on deploying and scheduling containers inside the infrastructure instead of directly utilizing nodes/hosts.
  4. Container grouping using pod
  5. Self-healing
  6. Auto-scalablility
  7. DNS management
  8. Load balancing
  9. Rolling update or rollback
  10. Resource monitoring and logging

How kubernetes works? –

Kubernetes keeps track of your container applications that are deployed into the cloud. It restarts orphaned containers, shuts down containers when they’re not being used, and automatically provisions resources like memory, storage, and CPU when necessary

What are the components of Master? explain in one line sentense –

Cluster store, controller, apiserver

What are the components of Worker? explain in one line sentense –

pod, docker, kublet, kube-proxy

What are the components of Workstation? explain in one line

control plane, kube-apiserver, scheduler, controller manager, etcd, node, load balancer