Docker Image Definition
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It’s a collection of filesystems, namely => rootfs, user fs, application fs
These filesystems are represented as layers. Therefore each docker image has multiple filesystems, that is, each docker image has multiple layers
Each layer is identified by a uuid, which is sha256 encoded.
The lowest layer is the root filesystem. That is, it contains files under root directory
The upper most layer is the only layer which is writeable, rest all layers are readonly
Whenever you create any new files, the files are reflected in uppermost layer of the image
While mounting an image to a container, all the layers in the image are merged to create a single merged layer
The preferred storage driver for linux is overlay2. So all the layers are visible in the following location: /var/lib/docker/overlay2
You can see the layers your docker image has by looking in the “RootFS” header when you do “docker inspect imagename”
The files that you add, which are added to the uppermost layer get added to two locations /var/lib/docker/<layer-uuid>/merged and /var/lib/docker/<layer-uuid>/diff
It is possible to create a container by selectively removing the top few layers of an image. This can be done to undo the changes that have been made in a layer.
docker inspect <image-name>