Kubernetes Assignment for Administrator

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– Top 10 k8 API Resources which is being by Kubernetes Admin

  • Service
  • ServiceAccount
  • Role
  • ClusterRoles
  • RoleBinding
  • ClusterRoleBinding
  • Deployments
  • Pods
  • ReplicaSets
  • Secrets

– Top 10 kubectl commands to troubleshoot Kubernetes

  • kubectl get events/pods/svc
  • kubectl describe pod/service/deployment
  • kubectl explain pod
  • kubectl logs
  • kubectl attach pod
  • kubectl exec -it pod
  • kubectl debug

– Top 15 commands which is being used by Kubernetes Administrator

kubectl commands

  • kubectl describe pod/service/deployment
  • kubectl get nodes
  • kubectl delete node/pod/service
  • kubectl scale deployment
  • kubectl create -f file.yaml
  • kubectl apply-f file.yaml
  • kubectl drain node

kubeadm commands

  • kubeadm reset
  • kubeadm join
  • kubeadm init
  • kubeadm upgrade
  • kubeadm token create/generate/delete

linux commands

  • systemctl status/restart
  • sudo su
  • yum install

– Top Tools for Monitoring, Logging and Tracing Kubernetes & Apps

  • Prometheus
  • Jaeger
  • Grafana
  • Logstash
  • Splunk

– Top 10 Practices for Securing Kubernetes

  • Periodic up-to-date softwares
  • Secure cluster
  • Audit logging
  • RBAC
  • KMS
  • Limited access to cluster
  • Secured application code
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