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Oracle this week put its money – and yours – where its mouth is by launching the Oracle Cloud Workload Cost Estimator as a direct challenge to Amazon Web Service (AWS) to prove the claim that its own cloud is cheaper.
“It’s an open secret in cloud computing circles that getting data into a given cloud is cheap – in fact, it is usually free. But getting data out is a completely different story. Traditional cloud vendors charge hefty premiums on data flowing out – or what they call data egress,” according to an Oracle cloud calculator blog post.
The tool offers an “apples-to-apples” comparison between Oracle’s own cloud infrastructure and that of AWS, which the enterprise software vendor claims will show “Oracle is a more cost-efficient option for many high-performance applications.”
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The calculator compares the cost of computing, storage, data input/output per second (IOPs), and data transmission out of the cloud – also known as data egress – which Oracle calls a “a wild card.”
“Traditional cloud companies charge a markup after a given amount of data flows out. So once you hit that magic monthly number — 1 GB for AWS — data egress charges kick in. At Oracle, the meter doesn’t start running until after 10,000 times more data egress – or 10 TB — per month,” the post said.
Oracle continues to bolster efforts to take on AWS and Microsoft Azure, including a plan to hire 2,000 employees that it announced in last October. However, last year the company shed thousands of employees during two rounds of layoffs, and multiple executives have left the company as it struggles to shift its focus to cloud computing.
The enterprise software vendor is not alone in its efforts to take an increasingly competitive stance against larger rival AWS in the cloud space. Microsoft has its Azure Price Calculator that is designed to reduce the time taken to calculate the price of an environment as a means to better understand how Azure Reserved Instances affect overall cost. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers the Google Cloud Platform Pricing Calculator as a free tool to calculate the total cost of application deployment on GCP along with estimates for compute engine, cloud storage, and cloud SQL.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, and companies across sectors tighten their purse strings as the global economy worsens, it seems that Oracle is making the most of its opportunity to strengthen its position in the market as the cost-efficient alternative.