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  • What is SRE? – 3-4 Lines
    Ans. SRE are engineers who work on system monitoring, reliability, design, toil reduction, incident management, deployment and automation in infrastructure task. SRE also work closes with Developers in achieving their tasks. Their focus mostly lies within the client SLOs and automation tools and principles in engineering disciplines in serving those SLOs.

  • 5 Action items to perform to transform from Ops to SRE
    – Collect data which are causing toil reduction and breaching SLAs.
    – Analyze the risk and advantage in automating those tasks
    – Involve with dev on infra availability and observibility
    – Prioritize the tasks which can be easily automated and promote automation
    – Bring in tools which can be used for better monitoring and observability to system.

  • Top 10 SRE tools to be implemented
    1. Datadog
    2. Kubernetes
    3. Terraform
    4. RunDeck
    5. Gitlab CI/CD
    6. Kubernetes autoscaler
    7. Ansible
    8. Docker
    9. Prometheus
    10. Jira
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