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Source: dailyhostnews.com
Sectigo (formerly Comodo CA) is powering its Certificate Management platform with five new integrations— Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, and HashiCorp Vault. The aim is to provide IT teams a comprehensive PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) solution for DevOps.
Called Sectigo Certificate Manager, the certificate management platform is a cloud-based solution that allows enterprises to manage public, private, and IoT device certificates from a single platform. It comes with the required tools, support, and capabilities that can help in minimizing risks, respond to threats faster, and optimize operational costs.
Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, and HashiCorp Vault are the leading DevOps configuration management and container orchestration platforms. These integrations will now deliver IT and security teams the ability to ensure that their DevOps environments are in line with accepted security practices, meet compliance and auditability needs.
“All sizeable enterprises either use or are implementing DevOps today,” said Lindsay Kent, VP of Product Management, Sectigo. “As they do so, these enterprises are also finding that they suddenly need to become PKI experts and must roll out their own PKI to ensure identity for containers and related services.”
In DevOps environments, there is a broad range of certificates and specific use cases. These environments are generally complex as many technologies are being used simultaneously. Sectigo’s newly released integrations will cover most of the operational footprint of enterprises.
Also read: Sectigo to protect enterprises in Middle East against rising cyberthreats
“These integrations between Sectigo Certificate Manager and the most popular DevOps orchestration tools give operations teams full visibility and control over the certificate properties they choose. An expert partner, like Sectigo, can ensure enterprises follow accepted security practices and can keep implementations current with changes in cryptography needed to stay safe in a changing computing environment,” added Kent.
Moreover, if enterprises want to use their DevOps tool or another PKI solution, they can continue to do so while using Sectigo Certificate Manager for monitoring and reporting on the certificate deployments