SRE Day 2 – Assignment

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  1. What is Docker volume and how to work with it?

They are file systems that can be mounted on Docker containers

To store data in a volume rather than storing it in a container’s writable layer as it does not increase the size of the container

Docker volume can be shared with more than one container

2.What is Kubernetes pod?

A collection of one or more containers, and is the smallest unit of a Kubernetes application.

A pod is the smallest execution unit in Kubernetes. A pod encapsulates one or more applications.

Pods can’t be created , it can only be instantiated . Instantiation will be done by kubelet

3.List of container runtime tools which is supported by Kubernetes?


4.What are the new major changes happened in Kubernetes 1.22?

will stop serving the API versions ( ,,
Cgroups V2 API
Etcd at Version 3.5.0
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