Suresh-Post Assessment


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Docker Quiz -2 Post assessment :

Kubernetes Quiz -2 Post assessment :

List out top 15 commands in VMware Tanzu Application service aka PCF.
kapp deploy -a cf -f ./cf-for-k8s-rendered.yml -y
cf api --skip-ssl-validation
CF_ADMIN_PASSWORD="$(bosh interpolate ./cf-install-values.yml --path /cf_admin_password)"
cf auth admin "$CF_ADMIN_PASSWORD"
cf enable-feature-flag diego_docker 
cf create-org test-org
cf create-space -o test-org test-space
cf target -o test-org -s test-space
cf push test-node-app -p ./tests/smoke/assets/test-node-app
cf push APP-NAME
cf apps
cf version
cf org-quotas
cf orgs
cf org
cf org-users
cf spaces

   apps                                   List all apps in the target space
   app                                    Display health and status for an app
   create-app                             Create an Application in the target space

   push                                   Push a new app or sync changes to an existing app
   scale                                  Change or view the instance count, disk space limit, and memory limit for an app
   delete                                 Delete an app
   rename                                 Rename an app

   cancel-deployment                      Cancel the most recent deployment for an app. Resets the current droplet to the previous deployment's droplet.

   start                                  Start an app
   stop                                   Stop an app
   restart                                Stop all instances of the app, then start them again.
   stage-package                          Stage a package into a droplet
   restage                                Stage the app's latest package into a droplet and restart the app with this new droplet and updated configuration (environment variables, service bindings, buildpack, stack, etc.).
   restart-app-instance                   Terminate, then instantiate an app instance

   run-task                               Run a one-off task on an app
   tasks                                  List tasks of an app
   terminate-task                         Terminate a running task of an app

   packages                               List packages of an app
   create-package                         Uploads a Package

   droplets                               List droplets of an app
   set-droplet                            Set the droplet used to run an app
   download-droplet                       Download an application droplet

   events                                 Show recent app events
   logs                                   Tail or show recent logs for an app

   env                                    Show all env variables for an app
   set-env                                Set an env variable for an app
   unset-env                              Remove an env variable from an app

   stacks                                 List all stacks (a stack is a pre-built file system, including an operating system, that can run apps)
   stack                                  Show information for a stack (a stack is a pre-built file system, including an operating system, that can run apps)

   copy-source                            Copies the source code of an application to another existing application and restages that application
   create-app-manifest                    Create an app manifest for an app that has been pushed successfully

   get-health-check                       Show the type of health check performed on an app
   set-health-check                       Change type of health check performed on an app's process
   enable-ssh                             Enable ssh for the application
   disable-ssh                            Disable ssh for the application
   ssh-enabled                            Reports whether SSH is enabled on an application container instance
   ssh                                    SSH to an application container instance

   marketplace                            List available offerings in the marketplace
   services                               List all service instances in the target space
   service                                Show service instance info

   create-service                         Create a service instance
   update-service                         Update a service instance
   delete-service                         Delete a service instance
   rename-service                         Rename a service instance

   create-service-key                     Create key for a service instance
   service-keys                           List keys for a service instance
   service-key                            Show service key info
   delete-service-key                     Delete a service key

   bind-service                           Bind a service instance to an app
   unbind-service                         Unbind a service instance from an app

   bind-route-service                     Bind a service instance to an HTTP route
   unbind-route-service                   Unbind a service instance from an HTTP route

   create-user-provided-service           Make a user-provided service instance available to CF apps
   update-user-provided-service           Update user-provided service instance

   share-service                          Share a service instance with another space
   unshare-service                        Unshare a shared service instance from a space