The Weakest Link in DevOps for Financial Services

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source:- In many instances, though, this significant investment of time and resources simply isn’t producing measurable outcomes that matter to the broader financial services organization. Developers may be coding faster and new operating efficiencies may be realized, but little else has changed. Teams are simply unable to move the needle in support of core

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Revealed: The reasons why forward-thinking tech companies are going Agile

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now As companies start to learn from each other’s tech disasters the move to Agile has quickened. This has left traditional testing services in a tricky position. In this case, study piece, Adam Pettman breaks down how testing as an integral and pivotal part of the DevOps process can sometimes be forgotten about and

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LogicMonitor Releases IT Downtime Detection and Mitigation Study

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Although 99.999% availability may be IT’s ambition, it’s far from reality. In March 2019, Google’s Gmail experienced a 4.5-hour global outage. In the same month, Facebook suffered a 14-hour outage, its most massive outage to date, crippling app-accessibility worldwide. Downtime and low availability will likely occur to all systems eventually, especially when introducing

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Navisite Achieves AWS WellArchitect-ed Partner Status

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Navisite announced today that through its acquisition of clckwrk, an Advanced Consulting Partner in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN), it has achieved the AWS Well-Architected Partner status, which recognizes that Navisite has the expertise to deliver AWS Well-Architected reviews for existing application workloads or new applications based on AWS Well-Architected

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VA Sees Workforce Reforms Necessary for DevOps Adoption

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now The agency is focusing on changes in training and culture that foster the adoption of agile development methodologies. The official leading the charge in bringing a DevOps framework to the Department of Veterans Affairs says training is key to the agency facilitating its overall digital modernization. Training and workforce reform play critical roles

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Technical Debt – The Anti-DevOps Culture

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now App Dev Manager Silviano Blea explores the idea of how “technical debt” can work against an organization’s ability to adapt and transform in their DevOps journey. Technical Debt can be defined as as “the concept in software development that reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) and

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KubeCon highlights huge growth in the adoption of Kubernetes

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now More companies are on the hunt for Kubernetes talent now that it is being used widely. Kubernetes aficionados came out in force for KubeCon 2019, which was held right before Thanksgiving in San Diego. More than 12,000 people attended the event, and Platform9 surveyed almost 1,500 people on how they use Kubernetes. Data

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Here Are The Three New Age Ingredients For IT Transformation

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Enterprises across industries are adapting and transforming their IT strategy Research shows that DevOps, containers and SDI/SDDC are interlocked as critical elements in the transformation strategy Kubernetes has quickly become the preferred container management system across the world Enterprises today are enjoying massive opportunities that the digital age has presented to them. However,

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IT Revolution Announces Speakers from Deloitte, Google, IBM, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman for DevOps Enterprise Summit Las Vegas 2019

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now PORTLAND, Ore, July 17, 2019 — IT Revolution, the industry leader for advancing DevOps, today announced new speakers for DevOps Enterprise Summit Las Vegas 2019 Hosted at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas from October 28-30, the DevOps Enterprise Summit is the premier industry event for technology and business leaders to gather for three

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DevOps Not A One-Size-Fits-All Strategy: CA

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source – Many IT departments are siloed between development, operations, support, and management, but companies that are using a DevOps system seek to integrate them all for better productivity and a smoother overall workflow. In an exclusive chat with CXOToday, Abhilash Purushothaman, responsible for the overall DevOps Business across India and SAARC region at CA Technologies, said that the

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5 tips for keeping up with IT change

Limited Time Offer! For Less Than the Cost of a Starbucks Coffee, Access All DevOpsSchool Videos on YouTube Unlimitedly. Master DevOps, SRE, DevSecOps Skills! Enroll Now Source:- Hybrid IT — migrating some infrastructure to the cloud while continuing to maintain a significant number of applications and services onsite — is a shift in the technology landscape currently spreading across the federal government. Agencies are looking to realize the many benefits of the cloud (cost efficiency, agility) without the perceived

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