Working With Prometheus

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  • What is Time Series database?
  • How prometheus is good for time series metrix?
  • What are components of prometheus?
  • How prometheus works?

Time Series Database

Time series data is the sequence of data points collected at a regular intervals over a period of time (metrics). For eg:- device data, weather data, etc. The data require aggregation and analysis.

Prometheus For Time Series Metrix

  • Optimized for Time Series Data
  • Built in service discovery
  • Flexible Query Language
  • Works in a Pull Model
  • Uses HTTP and Plain text
  • Stores Metrics in Memory and local disk

Components Of Prometheus

  • Client Library
  • Prometheus Server
  • Push-gateway
  • alert-manager
  • Metrics
  • Exporter
  • Collector

Working Of Prometheus

Prometheus collects metrics from monitored targets by scraping metrices HTTP endpoints .Scraping endpoint is more efficient than other mechanisms. Metrics can be extracted from the system by the following ways:-

  • By instrumenting
  • By using the prebuilt exporters
  • By using the Pathgateway